The Voice of the Insurance Consumer

This research report identifies key findings on topics including, AI, claims process and the digital experience for insurance customers.

DXC collaborated with research firm Telsyte to survey over 2,000 respondents across 15 counties in Asia Pacific and the Middle East to explore how consumer preferences are influencing changes and developments across the insurance industry.

Key findings include:

  • 41% of insurance consumers are comfortable talking to a digital agent, or AI bot.
  • 57% find the claims process either repetitive or too long.
  • 85% of respondents would change providers in the event of a data breach

Based on the insights from consumers, Dr Alex Kokkonen, Senior Researcher and Advisor, DXC Technology, has highlighted considerations for insurers to embrace, to maximise their market potential in the coming years.

Key focus areas to consider are:

  • The importance of an end-to-end intuitive digital experience
  • Customer retention improves when there is a positive digital claims experience
  • Implementing a security culture is imperative for brand reputation and consumer trust
  • Finding the balance between human agents and AI support to improve customer service and satisfaction

Access the full report here